Friday, May 3, 2013

To Canada!

Hi, I'm Eva. 

For Spring break, my family's going to Canada!  We are starting in New York.  We just saw Niagara Falls.  It's very, very wet.  I'm standing probably 20 feet away and I'm still soaked!

You can ride a boat called Maid of the Mist.  We couldn't get on it, it was closed for the year.

We stopped by the gift shop instead.  I get a piggy bank and my brother gets a stuffed animal. 


We are in Montreal now.  We've been driving for probably six hours.  I'm not sure, maybe more!

And we finally get to the hotel.  We're on the third floor of a three floor building.  There's a jacuzzi in the bathroom!  Me and my brother take turns in the jacuzzi.  There's a button on the side that says whirlpool!  I'm covered in bubbles!!  It may be fun over water, but under water your eyes get really, really hot.  Trust me.  They do.


We finally get to Quebec.  In Quebec it's fun.  We stop by the hotel.  It looks like a castle!  Our room is really high.  It would be fun but bad for me, I'm scared of heights.  We go around shopping.  My favorite part is when we stop by a store called Cool as a Moose!  They have footie pajamas.  On the bum they say Moose Caboose.

Me and my brother get our pictures drawn by a cartoon artist.  I think it's really cool!!  Our heads are huge!!!

As soon as we get back to the hotel, it's raining.  The next day we go out and eat crepes for breakfast!  Mine was Nutella!  Mmmmmmm.


Back to Montreal! 

In Montreal we stay at a new hotel.  They have some really cool mirrors.  I write a letter to my grandparents. 

We stop at Ikea.  I get a really cool mirror.  And truthfully, I'm going to try to get more things like that at the Ikea in the USA!


To Toronto!

When we get to Toronto, dad says he has a surprise for us the next day.  So we sleep for a couple of hours and wake up the next day. 

We start out by shopping, but later on we go to...

Medieval Times!!!

Medieval Times is a place where actors joust with real horses and birds.  It's an hour before the joust really begins.  So we go and look around.  I get a tiara with long flowers.  My brother gets a sword and shield. 

The next day we head back to the USA.  We take a nap and hit the road!

Home sweet home!  Hallelujah!

Hugs and kisses, love Eva!

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